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Operating System

Operating system is a control program(system software) that manages computer hardware. It also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediary between computer user and computer hardware. It provides stable and consistent way for applications to deal with hardware without user having to know all details of hardware.
There is a lot of resources in a computer system like CPU, memory, I/O devices etc. If a computer system is used by multiple applications then they will compete for these resources. It is job of operating system to allocate theses resources to various applications so that resources are allocated fairly and deadlocks are detected, resolved and avoided.
It also controls  execution of program to prevent errors and  improper use of computers. It is responsible for management of operations and control of input and output devices. If program not functioning properly, operating system takes the control, stops the application and displays appropriate error message.
Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux,  OS X are some examples of operating system.

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